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Personal Opinions of Some Professors of Theology

Question: A professor of theology said:
"If one follows the hadith 'The nafila salats of a person who has fard salats to make up will not be acceptable' and performs qada salats in place of sunnat salats instead of apologizing for missing fard salats, it means committing yet another offence and making a faux pas."

Another professor of theology said:
"A person who has committed bad manners by having omitted fard salats will have committed a second bad manners by performing qada salats instead of sunnat salats."

Will you give these professors an answer?
I know the first professor personally. He is a follower of Ibn Taymiyyah. According to Ibn Taymiyyah, it is not necessary to do qada of a missed fard salat. The first professor told me in person that he shared the view of Ibn Taymiyyah. Apology is made by starting to make up one's qada salats. How can a person who does not make an effort to make up one's missed salats be considered to have made an apology? If one performs sunnat salats, then one will be delaying one's qada salats. Does delaying something that one must immediately make up means making an apology or belittling a fard act of worship?

I know the second professor personally, too. Note that he considers missing a fard act of worship as bad manners. He does not say that it is haram. He equates sunnat salats with fard salats. Hadrat Imam-i Rabbani, reviver of the second millennium, stated:

(Verily, voluntary acts of worship are of no value when compared with obligatory ones. The value of voluntary acts of worship compared with obligatory ones is not even like that of a drop of water compared with an ocean. A sunnat act of worship compared with a fard act of worship is like a drop of water compared with an ocean.) (Maktubat, Letter 260)

There are many contemporary professors who reject hijab and who say "Salat means du'a. There is no act of worship called salat in the Qur'an."

If you insist that I should mention some names from contemporary professors, see the following citations:

Orhan Karmýþ, late dean of a theology faculty in Istanbul and a distinguished professor of tafsir, stated:

"It is written in fiqh books that Allahu ta'ala will not accept sunnat or nafila salats of a person who has fard salats to make up."

Ramazan Ayvalli, a professor of hadith and a distinguished scholar, states:

"It is established by ahadith that the sunnat salats of a person who has fard salats to make up will not be accepted."

Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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