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Q&A Concerning Sitting Posture in Salat

Question: As for the Qur’anic verses that we recite as prayers (du’a) after salawaat during final sitting in salat or on other occasions, should we recite them in order of the Qur’an, e.g., “Rabbanaa aa-ti-naa …” first, “Rabbij’alnee …” second, “Rabbanaghfirlee ...” third?
It is not essential, but it is better to recite them in the order that they are presented in the Qur’an al-karim.

Question: When reciting “Rabbanaa aa-ti-naa …” after salawaat in salat, should we add “bi rahmatika yaa arhamar raa-hi-meen”?
You do not have to, but there is no objection whatsoever to you adding it because it is recited with the intention of prayer (du’a).

Question: It is written in Se’adet-i Ebediyye, “It is makruh tahrimi for the imam to perform recitation and tasbihaat beyond the measure prescribed by the sunnat when conducting a fard salat.” Accordingly, is it not makruh to recite the prayer beginning with “Rabbanaa aa-ti-naa …” after salawaat in the final sitting?
In the final sitting (qada-i akhira), it is sunnat to recite any prayer after salawaat. One may recite any Qur’anic verse that contains a prayer or any prayer reported in hadith-i sharifs. The verse that begins with “Rabbanaa aa-ti-naa …” is generally preferred as a prayer in the final sitting. For this reason, it is not makruh, but sunnat, for the imam to recite “Rabbanaa aa-ti-naa …” after salawaat. In the book Ni’mat-i Islam in its section dealing with the 43rd of sunnat elements of salat, it is written, “It is sunnat to recite a prayer after salawaat [after the prayers beginning with “Allahumma salli …” and “Allahumma baa-rik …”].”

Question: After I recite at-tahiyyat in the final sitting, if my wudu’ or my salat breaks by itself or if I break it deliberately, do I have to repeat that salat?
If one, after having sat as long as it takes one to recite at-tahiyyat, breaks one’s wudu’ or salat deliberately, one’s salat will be valid. For example, if one speaks to someone after reciting at-tahiyyat, one’s salat is considered valid because one did it deliberately, though one’s act of speaking in salat is a sin. After having sat as long as it takes one to recite at-tahiyyat, if one’s wudu’ breaks by itself and if upon this one renews wudu’ at once and then says the salam, which is a wajib element of salat, or without renewing wudu’, if one does something breaking salat, e.g., says the salam, one’s salat will be valid. (Se’adet-i Ebediyye)

Question: I have started to perform the five daily salats fairly recently. However, it is physically difficult for me to raise my right foot and to rest on my left foot in the sitting posture. My right toes hurt very much. Will my salats be accepted if I sit without raising my right foot?
It is sunnat for men to raise their right feet and to rest on their left feet in the sitting posture. It is not makruh to omit a sunnat act if there is a valid excuse. Those who have started to perform salats recently may experience such difficulties in the beginning. They should strive to sit in the sunnat position, and they will soon, maybe a few months later, get used to sitting in this way.

Question: Is there anything wrong with reciting the following prayers after saying “Rab-ba-naa aa-ti-naa …” in salat?

Allahumma in-nee as’alukas-sihhata wal aa-fiyata wal a-maa-nata wa husnal khul-qi war-ri-daa-a bil qadari bi rahmatika yaa arhamar raa-hi-meen.

2. Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun ka-ree-mun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu an-nee.

3. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dhu-noo-bee wa rahmatuka ar-jaa in-dee min a-ma-lee.

Allahumma yaa muqallibal qu-loob thabbit qal-bee ‘a-laa dee-nik.

Allahumma in-nee a’oo-dhu bika min ha-ma-zaa-tish-sha-yaa-teen.
As all of them were narrated in hadith-i sharifs, there is nothing wrong with a person reciting any of them or all of them after “Rabbanaa aa-ti-naa …” because sitting posture is allotted to the recitation of prayers.

1. The meaning of the first prayer:
O my Rabb! I ask of You good health, welfare, faithfulness toward a trust, good moral qualities, and contentment with Your qadar. O the Most Merciful of the merciful! By Your mercy, give them to me.

Our Master the Prophet often used to say this prayer. (Tabarani)

2. The meaning of the second prayer:
O my Rabb! You are forgiving and generous. You love to forgive, so forgive me.

Our Master the Prophet recommended us to say this prayer especially on the Night of Qadr. (Nasai, Tirmidhi)

3. The meaning of the third prayer:
O my Rabb! Your forgiveness is far wider than my sins. The extent of Your mercy is more promising than my deeds. [I put my trust in Your infinite mercy, not in my deeds.]

A man said “O, my sins!” Upon hearing these words, our Master the Prophet told him to recite this prayer. After having him recite it three times, he said, “Allah has pardoned you.” (Hakim)

4. The meaning of the fourth prayer:
O my Rabb! It is You alone who change hearts from good to evil and from evil to good. Keep my heart firm on Your religion. Do not ever let it turn away from Your religion.

Our Master the Prophet used to recite this prayer very often. (Tirmidhi)

5. The meaning of the fifth prayer:
O my Rabb! I take refuge in You from the whisperings and evils of satans.

It is narrated that Hadrat Sayyid Abdulhakim Arwasi used to recite it frequently. A prayer with slightly different wording appears in the 97th verse of Surat al-Mu’minun (whose transliteration is): Rabbi a’oodhu bika min hamazaatish-shayaateen.
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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