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How Is Salat Performed?

Question: I have only recently started performing salat. Could you please explain to me how to perform salat?
The sunnat of Salat al-Fajr is performed as follows:
1. Face the qibla and keep a distance of four fingers between your feet. Take each hand to each ear and touch the earlobes with the thumbs. Turn the palms of the hands toward the qibla. After saying, “I intend to perform the sunnat of today’s Salat al-Fajr for the sake of Allah,” place the hands under the navel with the palm of the right hand over the back of the left hand by saying “Allahu akbar.”

Keep your eyes fixed on the place where you will make sajda (prostration) and recite the prayer “Subhanakal-la-humma …” After saying A’udhu and Basmala, recite Surat al-Fatiha and an additional sura without the Basmala in between.

After reciting the additional sura, bow down for ruku saying “Allahu akbar.” Grip the knees and spread the fingers over the knees. Keep the waist straight and look at the feet. Say “Subhana Rabbiyal-azim” three times.

Stand up from the bowing position saying “Sami’allahu liman hamidah.” While standing up, do not pull your trousers or take your eyes off the place where you will make sajda. When you are in a straight standing position, say, “Rabbana lakal hamd.”

5. Stand a little while and then fall prostrate on the floor saying “Allahu akbar.” Say “Subhana Rabbiyal ‘ala” three times in this position.

6. Lift the head saying “Allahu akbar” and sit in a manner that the left foot is placed flat on the ground and the toes of the right foot are bent pointing toward the qibla. Put the palms on the knees and keep the fingers naturally.

Then go down for the second sajda (prostration) saying “Allahu akbar.”

8. After saying “Subhana Rabbiyal ‘ala” three times while your face is on the ground, stand up saying “Allahu akbar.”

9. When you stand up, recite the Basmala, Surat al-Fatiha, and an additional sura. Then bow down for ruku saying “Allahu akbar.”

10. The second rak’at should be done in the same way as the first one, except that do not stand up after the second prostration (sajda), but sit on the floor. After reciting the prayers Attahiyyatu, salawat, “Rabbana atina …”, say the salamAssalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah” turning the face first to the right and then to the left. Then say the prayer “Allahumma antas-salaam wa minkas-salaam tabaarakta yaa dhal-jalaali wa-l-ikraam.”

After it, without talking to anyone or reciting anything, stand up to perform the fard of Salat al-Fajr. The fard of Salat al-Fajr is performed in the same way as the sunnat of it.

On completion of salat, say “As-tagh-firullah” three times. Then recite Ayat al-Kursi and then say “Subhanallah,” “Alhamdulillah,” and “Allahu akbar” 33 times each. Say the following prayer once, “La ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lah lahul mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer.” After that, pray to Allahu ta’ala.

When one sits [on completion of the first two rak’ats in the same way as we explained above] after the second rak’at of a four-rak’at sunnat salat, one recites only Attayiyyatu and then stands up for the third rak’at. One recites Surat al-Fatiha and an additional sura in the third and fourth rak’ats and does bowings and prostrations and sits. One recites the prayers Attahiyyatu, salawat, and “Rabbana atina …” After these prayers, one says the salamAssalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah” turning one’s face first to the right and then to the left. Thus, the salat is complete.

When one sits [on completion of the first two rak’ats in the same way as we explained above] after the second rak’at of a four-rak’at fard salat, one recites only Attahiyyatu and stands up for the third rak’at. One recites only Surat al-Fatiha in the third and fourth rak’ats and sits. One recites Attahiyyatu, salawat, and “Rabbana atina …” in the sitting position, and then one says the salam turning one’s face first to the right and then to the left, and the salat is complete.

The same rule applies to the fard of Salat al-Maghrib. That is, an additional sura is not recited in the third rak’at of it.

An additional sura is recited after Surat al-Fatiha in all of the three rak’ats of Salat al-Witr. After the additional sura in the third rak’at, the hands are raised to the ears saying “Allahu akbar.” Then certain prayers called Qunut are recited.

The initial sunnats of Salat al-Asr and Salat al-Isha are like the other four-rak’at sunnats, except that salawat are recited after Attahiyyatu in the first sitting and the prayer “Subhana-kal-lahumma …” is recited first after one stands up for the third rak’at.

As for the salat of a female, she, unlike a man, does not raise her hands to her ears. She raises her hands to her shoulders, makes intention, and folds her hands on her breasts. She does not keep her back straight when bowing. She places her elbows on the floor in the position of sajda. She sits with her buttocks on the ground in the sitting position.

Question: What does niyyah (intention) of salat mean?
Niyyah of salat means to pass through the heart the name of the salat, its time, qibla, following the imam or acting as an imam in salat (when performing salat in jama’at).

Question: When one says the opening takbir of salat, should one’s hands be raised to one’s ears?
When beginning salat, men raise their hands to their ears. The tips of thumbs should touch the earlobes. The palms should be turned to qibla. Saying “Allahu akbar is begun as the hands leave the ears and finished as they are folded under the navel. If a man folds his hands after saying “Allahu akbar,” his salat will not become invalid, but it is preferable to do as we have explained.

Question: When are we considered to have started salat: when we say the opening takbir or when we fold our hands?
Folding the hands is of no importance. One is considered to have started salat when saying the opening takbir.

Question: Is it permissible to perform salat without using a prayer mat?
Salat can be performed at any clean place. Prayer mat is not an essential prerequisite of salat. One can perform it on any clean place, such as soil, a straw mat, and a rug. If one cannot find any place to offer salat, in this case one can perform it in a room where people walk with their shoes but where there is no visible impurity.

Question: When does a single rak’at start and end?
The first rak’at commences with the beginning of the salat. The other rak’ats begin right after standing up, and each rak’at continues until one stands up again. The final rak’at continues until the salam. There is no salat that consists of fewer than two rak’ats.

Question: What does additional sura mean? What should the length of it be?
Additional sura is recited after Surat al-Fatiha in salat. It means a sura, whether long or short, or three verses or a single verse equivalent to three verses. The length of three verses equals 10 words in terms of words and 30 letters in terms of letters. (Radd-ul mukhtar)

Question: As an additional sura, how many verses does one have to recite during five daily salats? What is the sunnat in this regard?
In the two rak’ats of Salat al-Fajr, it is sunnat to recite 40 verses in total, or 50 at the very most.

What is sunnat in Salat az-Zuhr is to recite less than what was recited at Salat al-Fajr.

The sunnat with regard to Salat al-Asr and Salat al-Isha is to recite 20 verses.

The sunnat method at Salat al-Maghrib is to recite a short sura in each rak’at. The short suras are the ones that come after Surat al-Bayyinah.

It is makruh tahrimi for the imam to recite more verses than what has been explained above when he leads the jama’at in a fard salat. It is still makruh even if the jama’at asks the imam to recite longer. However, if the jama’at asks the imam to recite shorter than what is sunnat, it is permissible for him to recite shorter than it, and it is not permissible for him to recite longer. For example, if travelers or those who have difficulty in maintaining wudu’ says to the imam who will lead them in Salat al-Fajr, “Recite the shortest sura in salat,” it will be permissible, not makruh, for the imam to recite Surat al-Kauthar and Surat al-Ikhlas. (Hindiyya)

Is it permissible to perform salat toward an electric heater or coal-gas flame?
It is permissible to perform salat toward all kinds of stoves, flames, and light sources. However, it is not permissible to perform salat toward a fire in the open.

Question: If my cell rings with a musical tone when I am performing salat, does it harm my salat?
When a cell rings, it does not invalidate one’s salat. However, according to what is written in the book of Ibn Abidin, it is makruh to perform salat in the presence of things that distract attention and harm one’s khushu, such as musical instruments. A makruh act curtails the rewards given in return for a salat. When loudspeakers are on in some mosques, the sound of music comes from them. Before starting salat, we must get rid of those things that harm our khushu.

Question: What is the proper way of standing during salat?
When performing salat, a person should observe manners because he is in the presence of Allahu ta’ala at that time. Before starting salat, he should assume that there is Sirat Bridge in front of him, think that the Angel of Death is always ready to take his soul, and bear in mind that maybe he will perform the last salat of his life.

Question: Will it be makruh if the taqiyah (cap) of a man moves downward and covers his forehead when he is in sajda position?
Yes, it will be makruh. The forehead must touch the place of sajda directly.

Question: When I started salat, I saw a picture on the table in front of me. Should I have broken my salat and removed that picture so that it would not render my salat makruh?
It is not permissible to break the salat. You should be careful before starting salat that there is no such thing around.

Question: If the lights go out or someone turns the light off unknowingly when I am performing salat, will my salat be valid?
Your salat will be valid. It will not render your salat makruh. It is makruh to offer salat in pitch dark unless there is a legitimate excuse.

Question: If a person, when performing salat, turns his head to look at someone who has come or stretches out his arm to show the whereabouts of an object to someone who has asked about it, will these actions nullify his salat?
Few actions that do not nullify salat are termed amal-i qalil. Actions that are so many as to nullify salat are termed amal-i kasir.

Turning one’s head (face) around is amal-i qalil, and it is makruh. When one is performing salat, if someone else asks one where something is, showing it with one’s hand or arm is amal-i qalil, which is makruh. If the chest is turned away from the qibla during salat, this act is regarded as amal-i qalil and invalidates one’s salat. (Maraqi al-falah)

Question: If I say such things to a friend of mine when he is performing salat, “Remove your taqiyah on the floor with your one hand. There is nothing wrong with it, or “Make way for me,will his salat be nullified if he does what I say?
To remove the taqiyah or to make room for a newcomer on someone else’s warning nullifies salat. But one’s moving of one’s own will does not nullify it.

Question: My kids make a lot of noise when I am performing salat. Is it makruh for me to say the takbirs a little louder so that I may warn them to lower their voices?
It will not be makruh. However, you should not interfere in their noise if it is so little as not to confuse you.

Question: When a person is performing salat, if someone else informs him, “You will go to so-and-so after salat,” will it be a sinful act for the latter?
It will not be a sinful act.

Question: I was offering a fard salat. A friend of mine asked me at that time, “Are you offering the fard?” I moved my head downward a bit to answer “Yes.” Was my salat nullified?
It was not nullified.

When we say salam in salat, should we intend to greet the angels and our Master the Prophet as well?
A person performing salat individually should make intention to greet Angels of Haphaza. It is better if he also intends to greet our Master the Prophet. However, a person who is performing salat in jama’at should also intend to greet the imam and the people who are standing on the right-hand side and left-hand side of him.

In the last sitting, does reciting the prayer “Allahumma innee a’oodhu bika min hamazaatish-shayaateen” after the prayer “Rabbana atina …” bring thawab to a person performing salat individually or in jama’at?
Yes, it is very rewarding (thawab).

Question: How much space should one keep between one’s two feet during the standing (qiyam) position in salat?
For Hanafis, there should be a span of four fingers between the feet during the standing position. For Shafi’is, the distance between the feet should be a handspan.

Question: When one makes up (qada) the fard of Salat al-Asr or Salat al-Isha, should one recite salawat in the first sitting, just as one recites them in the sunnat of it? Secondly, when one makes up the fard of Salat al-Maghrib, should one perform it as two rak’ats, like the sunnat of it?
A salat is made up in exactly the same way as it would normally be performed within its time. It is not different. Salat al-Maghrib must be made up as three rak’ats, not two. (Radd-ul-mukhtar)

When I am offering salat in my store, customers sometimes come in. In this case, am I allowed to break my salat and to deal with the customers? Or do I have to complete my salat?
It is haram to break salat unless there is extreme necessity (darurat); you must complete your salat. Customers see you offering salat, so they either wait or go. You must not commit a sin for the sake of customers.

Is it permissible to make du’a when one is in the position of sajda during salat?
One is not allowed to make du’a in the position of sajda during salat. However, one can make du’a in the position of sajda during some voluntary (nafilah) salats. When one is not performing salat, it is praiseworthy to prostrate oneself and to make du’a. As a matter of fact, it is declared in hadith-i sharifs:

(A slave is nearest to his Lord when he is in sajda, so make plenty of du’a in sajda.) [Muslim]

(Strive hard to make du’a in ruku and sajda. This du’a is worthy of being accepted.) [Muslim]

(Whoever says “Rabbigh-firli three times in the sajda position will be forgiven before he rises from sajda.) [Daylami]

Question: After the adhan for Salat al-Fajr is called, I offer it and then go to bed. However, after I go to bed, I hear the adhan being called at the other mosques. Should I repeat the salat?
It is not a condition that the adhan should be called in order for a person to offer salat. What is a condition is the coming of the prescribed time for a salat. If the time for a salat has started, one, even if the adhan for it has not been called, says the adhan oneself and offers the salat. If one performs it without calling the adhan, one’s salat will be valid. However, one will not earn the reward of sunnat, which will be given in return for calling adhan.

Question: Does it nullify salat to scratch any area of my body by raising my hand three times in one rukn?
It nullifies salat to scratch any area of the body by raising the hand three times in one rukn. However, if a person lifts his hand once and scratches the same area three or four times, it will not nullify his salat. (Radd-ul-mukhtar)

If a person recites an additional sura after Surat al-Fatiha in the third and fourth rak’ats of fard salats, will it nullify salat? Does such a person have to make up (qada) those salats performed in this manner?
There is nothing wrong with reciting an additional sura in the third and fourth rak’ats of fard salats, so one does not have to make up those salats performed in this manner. (Radd-ul-mukhtar)

Question: When one exits salat by saying salam, is it permissible to stand up immediately? Is there anything wrong with reciting the prayer “Allahumma antas salamu …” while standing up, not when sitting?
Our Master the Prophet, after saying the salam at the end of salat, used to say “Allahumma antas salamu wa minkas salam tabaarakta yaa dhal jalaali wa’l ikraam” and used to sit only as long as to recite it. (Tirmidhi)

If one makes up (qada) the fards of Salat al-Maghrib, Salat al-Isha, and Salat al-Fajr in the daytime, should one perform the recitation loudly?
It is permissible to perform the recitation loudly.

Question: If one says the Basmala before Attahiyyatu, does one have to perform sajda-i sahw (prostration for forgetfulness and mistakes)?
No, one does not have to perform it.

Question: I missed salats for 40 years. Will it be permissible if I do not recite the prayer “Rabbana atina …” in the last sitting, and instead of it, dedicate this time I save to my missed salats so that I may make them up as soon as possible?
It is permissible because it is obligatory to make up missed salats as soon as possible. (Nawadir-i Fikhiyya)

Suppose that a person recited Attahiyyatu in the last sitting but stood up and performed one more rak’at. If he performs sajda-i sahw at the end of salat, is this salat rendered valid?
As he sat in the last sitting, his salat is valid when sajda-i sahw is performed. If he performed one more rak’at and then said the salam, the last two rak’ats would turn into nafilah (non-obligatory salat).

When we perform recitation in salat, say prayers in our beds, or repeat Kalima at-Tawhid or prayers, is it permissible for us to recite them in our hearts without opening our mouths?
Qiraat means to read (recite) by mouth. Reciting only as loud as to hear himself is termed reciting softly. The recitation is called loud if it is heard by people near the reciting person. It is not makruh for one’s soft recitation to be heard by one or two people. Reciting loudly means having been heard by several people. (Bazzaziyya)

If a person performs recitation in salat in such a low voice as not to hear himself, his salat will not be valid. When he says du’a, he has to say it loud enough to hear his own voice.

In order to earn rewards in return for one’s repetition of the phrase La ilaha ill-Allah, one should repeat it in a loud enough tone that one hears what one is saying. Similarly, those who perform hatm-i tahlil should perform it in this manner, too. If one’s purpose in repeating the phrase La ilaha ill-Allah is not to earn rewards but to purify one’s heart, then one should not move one’s tongue. (Radd-ul mukhtar)

After I had offered Salat az-Zuhr, I remembered that I was not in a state of wudu’. Do I have to repeat that salat?
Yes, you must repeat it. A salat performed without wudu’ though one thinks one has had wudu’ will not be valid. Yet one will be given much thawab in return for one’s niyyah (intention). If one finds some impure water and yet thinks it is clean and makes wudu’ with it and performs salat, one’s salat will not be valid because one of its conditions has not been fulfilled; however, one will be given thawab owing to one’s intention. On the other hand, a salat that is valid because it has been performed with all its conditions fulfilled will not be given any thawab if it has been performed for ostentation. (Ashbah)

Is it necessary to perform sajda-i sahw if one errs in the order of suras?
It is not necessary. It will not be makruh either if one makes it out of absent-mindedness.

Question: If one’s wudu’ breaks during salat, what should one do?
Such a person must say the salam by turning his head to the right side and exit the salat right away. He must renew wudu’ and restart the salat. If his wudu’ breaks in the last sitting while he is reciting salawat, he must exit the salat by saying the salam. His salat is complete.

Question: My husband acts as an imam and I offer salats behind him. Do I have to make a separate intention for it?
When a person offers salat behind an imam, it is fard on him or her to make intention that he or she will follow the imam. His or her salat will not be valid if he or she does not do this fard.

Question: Is it permissible to say the tasbihaat in ruku and sajda more than 3 times (5 times or 9 times)?
It is mustahab and better to repeat them more than 3 times, such as 5, 7, 9, 11 times. However, one should bear in mind that the number of recitation must be in odd numbers. The imam is not allowed to repeat them more than 3 three times.

Question: Which suras should be recited as an additional sura in five daily salats?
One should recite, if possible, somewhat longer suras in Salat al-Fajr, and short suras in the other salats.

Question: I have memorized only Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Kauthar, and Surat al-Ikhlas. Can I perform salat with them?
Yes, you can. However, you should try hard to memorize some more short suras in order to avoid reciting the same suras all the time.

Question: If someone sneezes when I am offering salat, do I have to break my salat and say “Yarhamukallah” to him?
If someone sneezes when one is performing salat, one does not say anything.

Question: Can I perform salat by covering my head with the hood of my coat in cold weather?
Yes, you can. It can be performed with it even in hot weather.

Question: I know that I must perform recitation in salat in a tone that I can hear my own recitation. If I am in a place where there is a lot of noise, should I recite in a louder tone in order to hear my voice?
It is not necessary.

I wear glasses. I sometimes forget to take them off and start salat wearing them. When I perform prostration, my nose does not touch the floor because of my glasses. Does it nullify my salat if I take them off during salat?
You can take them off while you are going down for sajda. This act will not nullify your salat. You should take them off by using one hand. If it is difficult to do it with one hand, you can use both hands then.

Question: Suppose that one is in a state of wudu’ and the prescribed time for the salat is about to end. However, one has not performed it yet, and one is resisting the urge to relieve oneself. Should one perform the salat in this state?
Yes, one must perform it immediately because it is haram and a major sin to delay a salat beyond its appointed time. In this case, one has to perform it even if one has the urge to relieve oneself.

Suppose that a person was going to recite an additional sura after Surat al-Fatiha, but he forgot it and let his hands drop down at his sides but he did not bow. Should he fold his hands again to continue salat?
There is no harm on him folding his hands again, but it is better not to do so. We should avoid extra actions during salat.

Question: People recite mostly those suras that are between Surat al-Fil and Surat an-Nas as an additional sura in salat. Is it impermissible to recite Surat al-Qadr or Ayat al-Kursi or 286th verse of Surat al-Baqarah or a few verses of a long sura?
It is permissible. One can recite any verse of the Qur’an. As the suras you have mentioned are short, they have been called suras of salat. But it is permissible to recite any sura in salat.

Question: After I finish the sunnat of Salat al-Asr, is it permissible to talk (such as answering the phone or saying something to family members) before I start its fard?
You are, in no way, allowed to talk between the interval unless there is extreme necessity. Nor are you allowed to recite any prayers in between. You must not wait or take a break unless there is extreme necessity. You must start the fard immediately.

Question: Can I break my salat if my cell rings?
It is haram to break the salat. You should switch it off or make it silent when you are in the mosque.

While one is returning to the standing position from ruku, should one look at the place of sajda?
Yes, one should look at it.

Question: If one knows only Surat al-Fatiha by heart, can one recite it as an additional sura as well?
Such a person must recite Surat al-Fatiha until he memorizes another sura.

Question: What should one do if one forgets the recitation of the Qur’an al-karim (qiraat) in the first rak’at?
One must repeat the salat because qiraat is fard.

Question: If one, by mistake, performs the fard of Salat al-Maghrib as four rak’ats without sitting after the third rak’at, does one have to repeat it?
Yes, one has to repeat it.

Question: If someone asks a person performing salat whether he is performing the fard, is it permissible if he moves his head down to answer “Yes” to the question?
Yes, it is permissible.

Question: Is it permissible to perform salat by wearing the hood of an anorak?
There is nothing wrong with it.

Question: Is it permissible to perform salat in a room where there are stuffed animals (taxidermy)?
When a person is performing salat, they must be behind him.

Question: If one, after reciting an additional sura, remembers that one did not recite Surat al-Fatiha, should one recite Surat al-Fatiha?
Yes, one should. Then one should make sajda-i sahw at the end of the salat.

Question: Is it permissible to say the prayer recited for the forgiveness of Muslims (it is a special prayer that should be recited 25 times) once after the prayer “Rabbana atina …” in salats?
Yes, it is permissible, but it is better to recite it after the du’a following the completion of salat.

Does it nullify salat to say “ibad-is-salihin” during the recitation of Attahiyyatu?
No, it does not.

Question: Is it permissible to break salat in order to avoid laughing in salat?
No, it is not. One will exit the salat compulsorily when laughing.

Question: Is it permissible to recite the verse of the Qur’an al-karim in which the Basmala appears as an additional sura in salat?
Yes, it is permissible.

Question: Is there any difference between reciting during salat a few verses from a long sura and reciting a complete short sura in terms of rewards (thawab)?
Reciting a short sura brings more rewards.

Question: Is it permissible to recite the prayers “Rabbana atina …” and “Rabba-nagh-firli …,” in addition to Attahiyyatu and salawat, in the first sittings of sunnat salats that are ghayr-i muakkad?
Reciting them brings rewards (thawab).

Question: Is it permissible to repeat a sura a few times in a single rak’at?
It is makruh to repeat a sura in a single rak’at of a fard salat, but it is not makruh in voluntary salats.

Question: Is it permissible to recite any other prayer after the recitation of salawat in the last sitting of a salat ?
It is permissible to recite the prayers that are mentioned in hadith-i sharifs. It is also permissible to recite such Qur’anic verses as “Rabbana atina ...” and “Rabba-nagh-firli ...” with the intention of making du’a.

Question: Is it permissible to perform recitation in salat when one is breathing in as well?
Yes, it is permissible.

Question: If one sneezes while reciting a sura or prayer during salat, should one start reciting it all over again?
One should continue where one left off.

Question: There is the laa sign at the end of the verses of some suras. I am confused about the rules of stopping (waqf) and do not know whether I should stop or continue. Does it nullify my salat if I continue to recite where I am supposed to stop?
It does not nullify your salat.

Question: Is it permissible to wipe the face with the hands after completing any salat?
It is permissible, but one should avoid it, nevertheless. One may cause people to think that it is something sunnat.

When one is going down for sajda or rising from sajda, should one place or remove one’s right limbs or left limbs first?
When a person is going down for sajda, he should place his right knee first and then his left knee, his right hand first and then his left hand and his nose and lastly his forehead. When rising from sajda, he should do the exact opposite of this. That is, he should remove his forehead, his nose, his left hand, his right hand, his left knee, and his right knee in sequence. However, a person should not do this in a very noticeable manner that will attract attention.

Question: I have read in fiqh books that it is wajib to touch the nose to the floor together with the forehead. Can we infer from this that the sajda is valid if either of them touches the floor?
It is fard to touch the forehead to the ground when making prostration. If it is not put on the floor, salat will not be valid. Putting the nose, together with the forehead, is wajib. It is makruh to put only the forehead on the floor.

Question: It is makruh tahrimi to perform salat when one is suppressing the urge to relieve oneself. However, should one perform salat in this state if the time for a salat grows short and renewing wudu’ will cause one to miss the salat?
Yes, one has to perform it in that state because the sin of missing a salat is graver than the sin of performing it by committing a makruh. Performing salat at a karahat time is makruh, but not to perform it within its prescribed time is haram. (Hindiyya)

Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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