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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Salât (Namâz)  >  Purification from Impurity  >  Animals and Impurity

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Animals and Impurity

Question: Is it permissible to perform salat when one has a snakeskin wallet and an ivory comb in one’s pocket?
The hides of a pig and a snake do not become clean even after they are tanned. One must not perform salat when wearing pigskin or snakeskin clothes, bag, belt, or wallet. When an animal, except a pig, dies, its bones do not become impure (najis). The bones of an elephant are clean, too. (Halabi, Hidaya, Hindiyya, Endless Bliss)

Cleaning impurity is not fard in the Maliki Madhhab. Therefore, if one has performed salats having impurity on oneself, one’s salats will be rendered valid if one says, “I performed those salats according to the Maliki Madhhab.”

Question: Is it permissible to perform salat in a garment dirtied by the excrement of a bird?
The excrement of inedible birds is light impurity (najasat-i khafifah). If light najasat falls on an organ or any part of a garment, it does not affect the validity of salat if the affected area is one-fourth of that part of the garment or organ.

The excrement of edible birds, such as a pigeon and sparrow, is clean. That is, it is permissible to offer salat when one has it on one’s body or garment. However, it is better to offer salat after cleaning it.

Question: If the urine of a cat touches one’s body, is it treated as clean?
No, it is not. It is treated as clean when it is on one’s garment.

Question: If one has a mussel, an oyster, and a shrimp, which are unlawful to eat, in one’s pocket, is it permissible for one to offer salat with them?
They do not affect the validity of salat because they are not impure.

Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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