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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Salât (Namâz)  >  Purification from Impurity  >  Impurity on Clothes and Carpets

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Impurity on Clothes and Carpets

Question: Is there anything wrong with washing clean clothes with impure (najis) ones?
There is nothing wrong with washing clean clothes with the ones soiled with urine or blood.

Question: Is there anything wrong with washing clean clothes in a plastic washtub in which a diaper was washed?
There is nothing wrong with it.

Question: If one’s clothes touched by invisible impurities, such as urine and blood, are washed in a basin or washing machine, will washing them once be enough if one guesses they have become clean?
Yes, it will be enough.

Will impure laundry become clean when it is washed in an automatic washing machine?
Yes, it will become clean. Clothes are washed better in an automatic washing machine than they are washed by hand.

Question: When an impure garment is washed in a washing machine, will the water in the washing machine and the other clothes become impure, too?
No, they will not.

Question: If one is over-scrupulous and dubious about the purity of impure clothes, what should one do?
A person who is over-scrupulous and dubious about the purity of impure clothes must wash them three times and wring them after each washing. It is not necessary to wring out a thing washed in a river or under a tap. (Halabi)

What is the method of purifying goods that absorb impurity and cannot be wrung out because they are big, such as a carpet?
One must wait until water stops dripping after each washing. It will become clean when it is washed in this manner three times. It is not necessary to wring or brush it while being washed.

Question: If a carpet on which there are urine stains is washed by a carpet washer, will it become clean?
If the front and then the back of the carpet is washed three times each at short intervals by a carpet washer, it will become clean. Salat can be performed on it without having to spread a prayer rug. It is enough to wash a carpet once to remove dirt (unclean substances other than the ones Islam prescribes as impurity).

If some impurity gets onto one’s garment and then one fails to find where the spot is, what should one do?
If impurity gets onto one’s garment or body and if one cannot find out where the spot is, it will become clean if one washes the place that one guesses to be the spot. If one discovers the correct place after salat, one does not have to repeat that salat. (Hadiqa)

When one buys a garment at a shop, is there anything wrong with wearing it without washing it first and then performing salat in it?
Purity is the default assumption about all things. If it is not known for certain that something is impure, it is assumed to be pure. Even the clothes of non-Muslims are treated as pure. (Hadiqa)

If there is as much impurity on one’s khuff as to affect the validity of salat, what should one do?
The impurity must be washed off. If there is as much impurity on one’s khuff as to affect the validity of salat, it is fard (compulsory) to wash it off. It does not become clean only by wiping it.

Is it permissible to clean a garment not touched by any impurity (najasat) with a garment soiled with blood and urine at the same time in a dry-cleaning machine? Will the impurity be transferred to the clean garment? In other words, can one perform salat in a garment not touched by any impurity before it was dry cleaned?
Dry cleaning removes only dirt (those unclean substances that Islam does not prescribe as impure [najis]). Urine and blood stains will not be considered to have been cleaned unless they are washed. However, the garment touched by urine does not make the other garments impure. In other words, there is nothing wrong with performing salat in clothes not touched by any impurity before they were dry cleaned. One must not deliver rulings about Islamic matters based on sheer supposition. For example, it is most likely that the clothes of non-Muslims are touched by urine and wine. Despite this, our religion says that it is permissible to perform salat in clothes of a non-Muslim without washing them. (Sharh al-Ashbah)

Despite the command of our religion, to claim that it is not allowable to perform salat in clothes not touched by any impurity before they were sent to dry cleaning and to say without knowing for sure that some foods are not lawful to consume because they contain impure substances are a sin as they cause unrest and sedition among people.

If one’s entire garment is impure, should one perform salat naked so as not to miss it?
If there is as much impurity on one’s garment as to affect the validity of salat and if it is not possible to purify it, one must perform salat in that garment, not naked. If it is possible to purify it but one is in company of others, one must perform salat without purifying one’s impure garment because it is forbidden to expose one’s awrah parts when one is in company of others. Purifying impurity is an order. When a prohibition coincides with an order, one must obey the prohibition. (Maraqi al-falah)

If one follows the ruling of the Maliki Madhhab regarding purification of impurity and performs salat, that impurity will not affect the validity of one’s salat.

Question: If the clothes of a person in a prison cell are impure, how should he perform salat?
Being unable to find a clean garment is a darurat (necessity, inevitability prescribed by Islam). It is permissible to perform salat in an impure garment in case of a darurat. If he follows the ruling of the Maliki Madhhab regarding purification of impurity, his salats will be valid because impurity does not affect salat in the Maliki Madhhab.

If a person sees impurity on his clothes after salat, is it necessary to repeat that salat?
The salat offered in an impure garment is not valid. However, if one does not know that there is impurity on one’s clothes, then it will be valid. If one sees the presence of impurity after salat, some scholars say that it is not necessary to repeat that salat. As a matter of fact, our Master the Messenger of Allah took his na’l off in salat and continue to offer the salat. He said to those who asked him why he took off his na’l, “I took it off because Jibril ‘alaihis-salam informed me that my na’l was impure.” Despite this, he did not repeat the salat. [A na’l is footwear with leather sole and straps.] 

Question: Suppose that the time for a certain salat is about to exit and one neither has clean clothes nor can find any. Is it sinful for such a person not to offer that salat within its prescribed time?
It is haram not to offer it within its prescribed time. One should follow the ruling of the Maliki Madhhab regarding purification of impurity and perform salat in impure clothes. Impurity does not affect the validity of salat in the Maliki Madhhab.

If one forgets that there is impurity on one’s garment and performs salat in that garment and then remembers that it is impure, one does not have to repeat it. It is enough to say, “I performed it according to the Maliki Madhhab.”

Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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