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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Salât (Namâz)  >  Purification from Impurity  >  The Method of Cleaning Impurity

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The Method of Cleaning Impurity

Question: What is the method of cleaning najasat?
Najasat (substances that Islam prescribes as dirty) can be cleaned out with any clean water, with water that has been used for wudu’ or ghusl, or with nonviscous liquids such as vinegar and rose water. Water that has been used for wudu’ or ghusl is called musta’mal (used) water. This water is clean but does not have the quality to clean hadath. That is, it can be used to clean najasat but cannot be used to perform wudu’ or ghusl.

Question: When a threshing animal urinates on some wheat, if one does not know for sure where it urinated, will all of the wheat be considered clean if one washes the part that one guesses to be the affected part?
Yes, all of it will be considered clean. (Hadiqa)

Is it permissible to do istinja (cleaning private parts after urination and defecation) with snow?
Yes, it is permissible.

Question: If one’s skin is smeared with absolute alcohol, blood, and urine, does it suffice to wipe it with a cloth to remove najasat?
It does not become clean by wiping it with a cloth. It is necessary to wash it.

Question: Before starting to perform wudu’, I saw a blood stain on my garment. I washed it, but its color remained. Does it affect the validity of my salat?
The existence of its color [after the washing] is not important, and it does not affect the validity of salat. It is enough to wash the blood stain three times.

Question: When one walks on snow, are the soles of one’s shoes considered to have been cleaned?
When one walks on snow or soil, one’s shoes will be clean. For example, the shoes of a shepherd who always wanders on mountains are considered clean.

Question: If a piece of wood is smeared with najasat, will it become clean when it is washed? Is it permissible to perform salat on it then? Or will it never become clean because najasat has penetrated it?
A piece of wood on which there is najasat becomes clean when it is washed. One can perform salat on it then. (Durar, Vol. 1, p. 44; Ikhtiyar, Vol. 1, p. 33)

As there was no water available, I licked the blood off my thumb a few times and spat it out. Did it become clean?
Yes, it becomes clean when it is licked and spat out. (Ikhtiyar)

Question: Can I clean the blood and urine off my finger with vinegar or milk?
They can be cleaned with vinegar, but not with milk.

Question: What is the method of cleaning tripe on which there is najasat?
It becomes clean when washed three times with cold water.

Question: When my clothes are washed with the clothes of other people during dry-cleaning, are my clothes contaminated by the najasat existing on the clothes of other people?
There is a possibility that your clothes might be contaminated by the najasat existing on the others’ clothes, but we cannot pass judgment based on sheer possibility. That is, they are assumed to be clean.

Question: If blood or urine falls into the water in a bucket, what should be done to purify it?
If clean water is added into the najis (impure) water and as much water as it contained has overflowed, it becomes clean all over. The overflowing water is clean unless the signs of najasat are noticed. If a najis bucket is filled and overflows, when none of the three signs [color, odor, and taste] of najasat is evident, both the water and the bucket become clean. (Radd-ul-mukhtar)

A Muslim preacher of Bulgarian origin says, “After defecation, one must clean feces off the anus with a piece of toilet paper first. Then it should be washed with water. If one does not do anal cleansing in this manner, the hand contaminated by feces will not be clean even if it may be washed 70 times.” Is what he said true?
This is pure fabrication. Mostly non-Muslims follow this practice. They clean feces off their anuses with a piece of toilet paper and then spray them with a stream of water without ever touching them. The Muslim preacher you have mentioned may have witnessed this practice among non-Muslims or may have heard it from them. Feces cannot be cleaned with toilet paper. It is removed with the finger and then the finger is washed. After the cleansing of the anus completely, it is recommended to wipe it dry with a cloth or a piece of toilet paper. It is not obligatory to wash the hands with soap after going to the toilet. If the hands are washed only with water, najasat is considered to have been removed.

Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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