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Remaining in a State of Wudu' at All Times

Question: What is the virtue of remaining in a state of wudu'?
Being in a state of wudu' has a lot of virtues. It is declared in hadith-i sharifs:

(A person in a state of wudu' is like a fasting person.) [Daylami]

(A wudu' performed well is half of the faith.) [Ibn Hibban]

(When a person makes wudu', his sins fall off just as leaves falls off a tree.) [Tabarani]

(If a person is in a state of wudu' when the Angel of Death comes, he will attain the status of martyrdom.) [Tabarani]

(When a Believer washes his face for wudu', all the sins that he committed with his eyes fall down with water. When he washes his hands, all the sins that he committed with his hands fall down with the last drop of water. When he washes his feet, all the sins that he committed with his feet fall down with water, with the result that he will be purified of all his [minor] sins.) [Muslim]

(When you wash your face for wudu', your sins are shed from your eyelashes. When you wash your hands, they are shed from your fingernails. When you apply masah on your head, they are shed from your head. When your wash your feet, they are shed from your toenails. You are left with the reward of the salat.) [Ramuz]

When one performs wudu', all one's minor sins are forgiven, but one's major sins are not forgiven. Similarly, one's sins that involve violation of the rights of humans and animals are not forgiven either unless the usurped rights are restored to the right holders or [if the right holders are dead] to their heirs. To be able to earn the rewards in return for a voluntary (nafl) act of worship, it is a condition not to have any defects in one's faith and obligatory acts of worship, to abstain from prohibited things and repent of one's sins, and to intend to do it as an act of worship. (İslam Ahlakı)

It brings thawab to renew one's wudu' after one has performed salat. It is stated in hadith-i sharifs:

(Ten rewards are recorded for a person who renews wudu' when he is in a state of wudu'.) [Ibn Majah]

(Wudu' upon wudu' is light upon light.) [Imam-i Ghazali]

(I would order you to make wudu' for every salat if it were not difficult.) [Imam-i Ghazali]

(Whoever renews wudu' has renewed his faith [it becomes luminous].) [Imam-i Ghazali]

(Allahu ta'ala stated: "He who does not renew wudu' when it breaks has upset Me. He who has made wudu' but has not performed two rak'ats of salat has upset Me. He who has performed two rak'ats of salat but has not asked Me to meet a need of his has upset Me. If I do not answer the supplication of a person after he has made wudu' and supplicated, I am considered to have upset him. But I do not upset anyone.) [Shir'a]

(Drinking from the water left over wudu' is a cure for 70 kinds of diseases, the lightest of which is depression and worry.) [Daylami]

(Whoever recites Surah al-Qadr after completing wudu', his sins of 50 years will be forgiven.) [Halabi]

(If a person recites Surah al-Qadr after completing wudu', he will be recorded among the truthful [siddiqeen]. If he recites it twice, he will be recorded among martyrs. If he recites it three times, he will be resurrected among prophets.) [Daylami]

(He who makes wudu' and performs two rak'ats of salat will be eligible to enter Paradise.) [Halabi]

(If a person makes wudu' and performs two rak'ats of salat, his sins will be forgiven.) [Bukhari]

(If a person makes wudu' well, all his sins between two salats [between the salat he will perform and the subsequent one] will be forgiven.) [Bukhari]

(Whoever says salawat 10 times after completing wudu' will get rid of his distress, and his prayer will be accepted.) [Ey Oğul İlmihali]

(Only a [perfect] Believer can remain in a state of wudu' at all times.) [Ibn Majah]

Whoever continues to stay in a state of wudu' at all times, Allahu ta'ala will bestow the following blessings on him:
1. Angels do not leave him alone.
2. They constantly record thawab for him.
3. All of his bodily parts glorify Allah.
4. When he is sleeping, angels protect him against the harm of humans and genies.
5. The pain and suffering he will undergo at the time of death will be less severe.
6. When he is in a state of wudu', he is in the protection of Allahu ta'ala.
7. He never misses the takbir of iftitah (the opening takbir).

The Awliya' used to eat and drink less so as to remain in a state of wudu' at all times. Hadrat Imam-i Malik, for example, used to eat a meal once every three days. When he was asked the reason for it, he answered, "I feel ashamed to frequently go to the toilet and come back in the presence of Allahu ta'ala" (Anwar-ul-Kudsiyya).

The virtue of getting into bed in a state of wudu' is great. It is stated in hadith-i sharifs:

(Whoever retires to his bed in a state of wudu', an angel supplicates all night long, "O my Lord, forgive this slave of Yours.") [Hakim]

(He who goes to bed in a state of wudu' and starts sleeping by making remembrance of Allahu ta'ala is considered to be performing salat until he wakes up. An angel does acts of worship for him. If he makes remembrance of Allahu ta'ala when he wakes up too, that angel supplicates Allah to forgive him.) [Ibn Hibban]

(He who goes to bed in a state of wudu' is similar to one who worships at night and fasts in the daytime.) [Daylami]

(A person who retires to bed in a state of wudu' will become a martyr if he dies at night.) [Ibn Sunni]

Question: A hadith-i sharif says that he who does not renew his wudu' when it breaks and who does not perform salat when he renews his wudu' has upset Allahu ta'ala. Is it obligatory to remain in a state of wudu' at all times and also to perform salat when one makes wudu'?
We cannot deduce religious rulings from hadith-i sharifs. We must refer to the rulings of our madhhab concerning a matter. Not staying in a state of wudu' at all times or not performing a salat when one makes wudu' is not a sin.

It is mustahab to renew one's wudu when it breaks and to perform two rak'ats of salat (Salat-u Subha, which is a voluntary salat performed to give thanks for wudu') if it is not one of the time when performing salat is makruh.
Date de mis à jour
5 Ekim 2024 Cumartesi
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