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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding  >  Q&A Concerning Imitating the Maliki Madhhab

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Q&A Concerning Imitating the Maliki Madhhab

Question: Supposing a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab has menses for 10 days habitually. If she bleeds for 13 days the next time, should she fast and perform salat after 10 days are over?
If blood flows for 13 days, she does not perform salat during the last 3 days either, but she can fast during these 3 days because she does not imitate the Maliki Madhhab in the matter of fasting. However, she has to make up later the salats that she missed during these 3 days. According to the madhhabs of Hanafi and Maliki, a woman has to make up the fasts that she misses because of menstruation.

Does the blood of istihada (non-menstrual bleeding) break the wudu' of a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab?
It does not break her wudu'.

Question: If a woman who does not normally imitate the Maliki Madhhab imitates it during the days that she experiences istihada blood, and these days are regarded as the days of istihada according to the Maliki Madhhab too, does the blood of istihada break her wudu'?
Istihada blood does not break the wudu' of a woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab. She can, if she does not do anything else that invalidates her wudu', perform Salat al-Isha with the wudu' that she made to perform Salat al-Fajr.

Question: When a Hanafi girl who imitates the Maliki Madhhab experiences menarche, how should she act if blood continues to flow without stopping?
According to the Hanafi Madhhab, the first 10 days are considered menstrual, and the next 20 days are considered istihada. When she imitates the Maliki Madhhab, the first 15 days are regarded as menstrual, and the next 15 days are regarded as istihada. The same rule applies in the Shafi'i Madhhab, too.

Question: I imitate the Maliki Madhhab. I habitually have menses for 3 days, but I have bled for 11 days this month. Has the length of my period changed? Should I have performed salat after day 3?
The duration of your period has not changed. It is still 3 days. However, because you imitate the Maliki Madhhab, the duration of your period is considered to be 3 days plus 3 days (6 days), if 3 days is the duration of your longest period you have so far had. But you should not perform salat until 10 days are over because there is a possibility that the bleeding may stop before 10 days are up. After you complete 10 days, you have to make up those salats that you missed after day 3.

Question: Supposing a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab remains free from menstruation for 23 days and then bleeds for 6 days on a habitual basis. If blood continues to flow for 15 days the next time, when will she resume salat?
If just a drop of blood comes out, she is considered menstruous according to the Maliki Madhhab. Because the duration of her longest period she has so far had plus 3 days is considered to be her menstrual period this month according to the Maliki Madhhab, she is considered menstruous until she completes 9 days. When she sees blood on the 10th day, she does not perform salat, thinking that the length of her period may change according to the Hanafi Madhhab. Seeing blood on the 11th day too, she should judge it to be istihada. Then she should resume salat immediately on the 11th day and make up the salats that she missed after day 6. Thereafter, the bleeding she experiences until she completes 15 days is considered istihada.

If she strongly believes that the bleeding has stopped, she takes a ghusl (purificatory bath) and resumes salat. What is better is to wait until it gets quite close to the end of the time for salat within which it has stopped and, if she sees that the bleeding has stopped, to take a ghusl and resume salat. That is, when a drop of blood emerges, she does not have to wait for a whole day. She can take a ghusl and perform salat when it ceases.

Question: Supposing a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab has menses for 6 days habitually. If she, after experiencing a valid purity period, has an irregular period, how will she act? If bleeding starts and then stops before 3 days are over or if it starts and stops and returns to her after 3 days, how will she act? When bleeding stops, how long should she wait for it to return to her? As long as the time for one salat or as long as 24 hours?
The rule is as follows according to the Hanafi Madhhab: If a woman starts menstruating a minimum of 15 days after her last period, she has to refrain from performing salat and fasting. If it stops before 3 days are over, she waits until it gets quite close to the end of the time for salat within which it has stopped [she must leave herself with enough time to perform it]. Then making wudu' only, she performs that salat. If bleeding reoccurs after she has performed it, she discontinues salat. She acts likewise until the end of day 3. She does not have to take a ghusl due to the possibility of it being non-menstrual bleeding. Making only wudu' suffices.

According to the Maliki Madhhab, even a drop of blood is considered menstrual. Therefore, she should not perform salat until the bleeding stops. When she strongly believes that it has stopped, she takes a ghusl and resumes salat. If just a drop of blood is discharged at each salat time, she, when bleeding ceases, waits until it gets quite close to the end of the time for salat within which it has stopped, and then she takes a ghusl and performs that salat.

Question: A Hanafi woman is imitating the Maliki Madhhab. What are the rulings of the Maliki Madhhab concerning menstrual and postnatal bleeding? Are there any differences when compared with the Hanafi Madhhab?
The maximum duration of postnatal bleeding (nifas) is 40 days according to the Hanafi Madhhab, while it is 60 days according to the Maliki Madhhab. She does not perform salat until she completes 60 days when days of bleeding, not days of purity in between, are added together. If she attains purification after 40 days, she can take a ghusl and resume salat. But if she sees bleeding, she does not perform salat. Therefore, she has to calculate the number of days on which she sees blood. The days of bleeding, not the days of purity in between, should be calculated, and the days she saw bleeding, not the days she did not see bleeding, should amount to 60. If blood stops flowing before it, it will not be difficult to deal with. If it ceases after, say, 20 days are over, there is no problem. If blood continues to flow after 40 days are over, the problem lies there.

If a woman imitates the Maliki Madhhab, she is required to know the rulings of the Maliki Madhhab regarding menstrual and postnatal bleeding. [More detailed information is available in our article entitled "Rulings Regarding Menstrual and Postnatal Bleeding According to the Maliki Madhhab."]

15-day-long bleeding
Supposing the habit of a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab is 23 days of purity and 6 days of menstruation. If she experiences bleeding that lasts for 15 days this month, when will she perform salat?
Even if a drop of blood emerges from the vagina of a woman after 15 days of purity have passed, she is considered menstrous according to the Maliki Madhhab. The longest period she has so far had plus 3 days is considered to be her menstrual period this month. Accordingly, she is considered menstrous until she completes 9 days (6 days plus 3 days). Besides, she will not perform salat on the 10th day either, for there is a possibility that her menstrual period may change according to the Hanafi Madhhab. When she sees bleeding on the 11th day too, she should judge it to be istihada, so she has to take a ghusl immediately and resume salat. Additionally, she has to make up the salats that she missed after day 6. The bleeding that she sees until the 15th day is counted as istihada.

Question: Supposing the habit of a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab is 5 days of menstruation and 25 days of purity. If blood continues to flow without stopping the next time, which days are considered to be her menstrual period?
According to the Hanafi Madhhab, if blood flows for more than 10 days, the duration of her period is considered to be 5 days. According to the Maliki Madhhab, her menstrual period has lengthened to 8 days (5 days plus 3 days). She takes a ghusl and resumes salat on the 11th day and then makes up the salats that she missed after day 5.

Question: Supposing the habit of a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab is 6 days of bleeding and 24 days of purity. If she also sees blood on the 9th day, what will the duration of her new period be?
Her new period has lengthened to 9 days.

Question: Supposing a Hanafi woman who imitates the Maliki Madhhab always bleeds for 4 days and remains pure for 26 days. If she, the next time, bleeds for 4 days and does not see blood for 3 days and bleeds for 3 days, what will the duration of her new period be?
To be able to give an answer according to the Maliki Madhhab, you should have stated the duration of her longest period she has so far had. If her longest period lasted for 4 days, it equals 7 when 3 days are added on top of it. That is, 4 days plus 3 days are considered her menstrual period. The 8th, 9th, and 10th days, during which she saw blood, are regarded as istihada. However, because she has not left the Hanafi Madhhab, all 10 days of bleeding are regarded as menstrual according to the Hanafi Madhhab. She cannot perform salat during these days.

Question: If a Hanafi person who imitates the Maliki Madhhab because of fillings performs hajj, will he or she, while doing the fards of the hajj, also obey the rules that the Maliki Madhhab established regarding the hajj?
No, he or she will not. He or she has to observe only those rules established by the Maliki Madhhab concerning ghusl, wudu', and salat.
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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