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Shaikh-ul-Islām Mūsā Kāzim

Question: Who was Shaikh-ul-Islām Mūsā Kāzim who gave a fatwā in favor of dental fillings?
After the deposition of Sultān ‘Abdulhamīd Khān II from throne, mischief became rife in religious affairs as well. Ignorant people and even freemasons who were registered at the Party of Union and Progress were appointed to the chief religious positions. Firstly, Muhammad Ziyāuddīn Effendi, the last Shaikh-ul-Islām of Sultān ‘Abdulhamīd Khān, was removed from office, and Mūsā Kāzim Efendi was assigned to this high position in 1910. He was a staunch defender of the Party of Union and also a freemason. Likewise, separatists who were exiled to Iraq and Fezzan by ‘Abdulhamīd Khān because their acts and aberrant articles that ran counter to Islam were brought to Istanbul, and they were charged with religious offices. Those ignorant and partisan people played pioneering roles in paving the way for corrupt and heretical religious books to be written and to spread everywhere. The religious books written during the reign of ‘Abdulhamīd Khān were scrutinized by a board of experts. Only the ones that met with the approval and permission used to be printed. So the religious books printed in those times were dependable. The religious books dated after 1909 could not be checked by authorities. Of those religious books, only the ones written by being based on a document or a voucher are reliable. Muslims’ children and pure youngsters who have read the corrupt books written by an unknown person (books of dubious origin) or by lā-madhhabī religious men who sold themselves traitorously to heretical sects have learnt Islam incorrectly. Some of the Muslims who were raised as being ignorant fell into the traps of political swindlers. Moreover, from among them, some went too far as to call people who were not proponents of their party “kāfirs” [disbelievers]. This prevailing mischief among Muslims was grist for the mill of Islam’s enemies. It served as a facilitative factor for the British to realize their vicious plans contrived to eradicate Islamic religion. For this reason, Allahu ta’ālā has forbidden Muslims to split into factions. Stating that they are brothers, He commands them to love one another and to be powerful by way of uniting against the enemies of their homeland. (Eshāb-ż Kirām)

The Jews cooperated with the Party of Union and Progress. All the evil forces on the earth united against the Sultān, eventually dethroning him and orphaning all Muslims in 1909. The leaders of the Union and Progress Party filled the highest positions of the State with enemies of the religion and freemasons. In fact, Hasan Khayrullah and Mūsā Kāzim, whom they appointed as Shaikh-ul-Islām respectively, were freemasons. They made the country bloody all over. In the Balkan, Ēanakkale (Dardanelles), Russian, and Palestinian wars, which were actually caused by British henchmen, the world’s biggest armed force founded by ‘Abdulhamīd Khān was annihilated through treacherous and base plans. They martyred hundreds of thousands of innocent youngsters and proved their own perfidious characters by fleeing the country at a time when the country needed unity and protection more than any other time. (Confessions of a British Spy)

The statement “Mūsā Kāzim Effendi, too, gave a fatwā in favor of having a tooth filled” cannot be proof or a voucher. A fatwā must be derived from fiqh books, and the reference from which it has been derived must be appended to the fatwā. Mūsā Kāzim Efendi did not do so, and he gave many false fatwās by his own reasoning and thoughts. After the proclamation of Constitutional Monarchy, ignorant and even masonic men of religion who were designated by the leaders of the Party of Union and Progress did not refrain from giving such false fatwās. Muslims must be vigilant so as not to fall for smiling faces and kind words of masons, lā-madhhabī people, munāfiqs, bid’at [heresy] holders, and separatists; and they must not adapt themselves to their books, but to the books of Ahl as-sunnat savants and to the real religious men who follow these books. (Żslam Ahlakż)

[lā-madhhabī: a person who does not follow any madhhab; munāfiq: a person who pretends to be a Muslim though being a disbeliever.]
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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