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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Ghusl  >  Things that prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution

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Things that prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution

Question: What are the cases that prevent and do not prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution?
Let us enumerate these cases:

1- If water does not soak through dried mucus in the nostrils or the food remains in the teeth and cavities or if the parts under them are not washed, the ghusl is not valid.

2- It is fard [obligatory] to wash under the waterproof things stuck to the skin such as dough, wax, gum, solid oil, fish scale, a chewed piece of bread, and nail polish.

3- After performing a ghusl, if you see a waterproof substance, such as gum, on any spot of your skin, it suffices to remove that substance and wash under it. A new ghusl will not be necessary. The situation is also as such in the Mâlikî Madhhab.

4- An intrauterine device (IUD), which is placed in the womb, does not prevent the performance of a ghusl.

5- Having a hair implant does not prevent the performance of ghusl. It suffices to wet the scalp.

6- It is sinful to get a tattoo done, but it does not prevent the performance of a ghusl and an ablution because it is done under the skin. If it is done on the skin and if the dye is permanent and waterproof, the skin gets rid of it with time. That is why a fading dye is not applied. Then, what happens if permanent oil dye is applied? Since it cannot be removed, it becomes a darûrat and does not prevent the performance of a ghusl in this case, either. In other words, tattoos do not prevent the performance of a ghusl.

7- If there are no earrings in the earring holes, and if the holes are open, when washing the ears, if they get wet when rubbed softly with fingers, it will be enough. It is not necessary to thread a piece of string through the holes. Similarly, if the holes have been closed up, there will not be any inconvenience; it is not necessary to open the holes.

8- Such things as henna and ink do not prevent the performance of a ghusl and an ablution because water soaks through them. But since things like oil paint, nail polish, and gum do not let water soak through, they prevent the performance of a ghusl and an ablution.

9- Hair dyes are like henna; that is, they let water soak through, and they do not prevent the performance of a ghusl.

10- Water infiltrates under liquid oil. It is not an inconvenience even if the color of oil remains; it does not affect the ghusl and ablution. However, water does not infiltrate under solid oil.

Cigarette tar
Do cigarette tar stains on our teeth prevent the performance of ghusl?
The tar caused by cigarettes at the lowest parts of the teeth is included in the category of liquid oils; it does not affect ghusl. When washed, if its color remains, then it is like henna; so it does not affect the ghusl, either.

If there is smear of gum on our hands
Does smear of gum on our hands prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution?
You should clean the part that removes easily. Since the remaining part is considered darûrat, it does not prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution.

When performing ghusl, is it fard for a man who has not been circumcised to wash under the foreskin?
In ghusl, it is not fard but mustahab [an act for which there is thawâb (blessing) and if omitted there is no sin.] to wash under the foreskin. (E. Bliss)

Contact lenses
Do contact lenses prevent the performance of a ghusl and an ablution?
It is not necessary to wash inside the eyes during ablution and ghusl, so contact lenses do not prevent the performance of them. That is, you do not have to remove them in ablution and ghusl.

There are warts on my hands, and I am using medicine for treatment. However, the medicine is just like an adhesive and is waterproof. Is it an inconvenience for ghusl and ablution?
If the medicine cannot be taken out by cleaning; if it is like an adhesive, that is, if it is not possible to take it out, it does not prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution; and it is not an inconvenience. You can make ablution and perform your namâzes without being a person with ‘udhr [excuse].

Eye crust formation
Do adhesive, nail polish, tartar on the teeth, crust caused by psoriasis, and crust formation round the eyes prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution?
Among them, only nail polish prevents the performance of ghusl and ablution, so you have to remove and wash under it. Because calcifications called tartar are formed spontaneously by glandular emissions around the root of the teeth, and since there is no medicine to prevent this, it does not affect the ghusl and ablution.

Though crust caused by psoriasis and crust formation around the eyes form spontaneously, you try to remove as achievable amount as possible without causing irritation. The remaining amount does not affect the ablution and ghusl. As for adhesive and oil paint, it is not possible to remove them easily. But it is not necessary to scrape the skin in order to take it out, either. Similarly, you remove an achievable amount, and the remaining part does not affect the ablution and ghusl.

Olive oil
Does olive oil smeared on hair prevent the performance of ablution?
Liquid oils do not prevent the application of masah.

Hair gel

Question: Does hair gel smeared on hair prevent the performance of ablution?
If the thing which is smeared does not let water infiltrate under it, the ablution and ghusl will not be valid. It is certainly not an inconvenience if it lets. It is said that hair gels let water infiltrate under them.

The dirt under the nails
Does the dirt under the nails prevent the performance of an ablution or a ghusl?
It does not prevent the performance of either ablution or ghusl; water can infiltrate into it.

Hair dyes
Do kohls, mascaras, hair dyes prevent the performance of an ablution or a ghusl?
They do not prevent the performance of either ablution a ghusl. Water can infiltrate under them.

Question: Upon smearing cold cream on the face, what can be said about the ability of water to infiltrate under it? Does it prevent the performance of ablution?
If the cream is smeared as thick as yoghurt, it does not let water infiltrate under it. The situation is the same with butter. However, if the skin absorbs it thoroughly and no solid part remains, water can infiltrate under it, and it does not prevent the performance of ablution. That is, if it is like olive oil, it does not prevent the performance of ablution.

The dye applied during elections
Does the dye applied on our fingers during elections prevent the performance of ablution?
No, it does not.

Does ink prevent the performance of ablution and namâz?
No, it does not. Things that let water soak through such as henna and ink do not prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution. But since nail polish and oil paints do not let water soak through, they prevent the performance of ghusl and ablution.

Does tartar formed around the roots of the teeth prevent the performance of ablution?
No, it does not. For it forms inadvertently, and there is no medicine removing it easily.
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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