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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Ghusl  >  Cases that necessitate ghusl

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Cases that necessitate ghusl

Question: What are the cases that necessitate the performance of ghusl?
These cases are as follows:

1- It is fard [obligatory] to perform ghusl when a woman gets out of the states of haid [menstruation] and nifâs [puerperium] or when a person becomes junub. When the haid blood ceases to flow, if a woman also becomes junub, it suffices to perform one ghusl for both. If a woman begins menstruating while she is junub, she makes a ghusl immediately if she likes, or she may wait until her menstruation is over and then make one ghusl for both.

2- When the tip of the penis, its roundish part under the prepuce, enters the vulva, both the man and the woman become junub.

3- When the man's viscous white semen or the woman's yellowish ovum fluid is thrown out lustfully, both of them become junub.

4- By nocturnal emission, that is, when a man or a woman has a lustful dream and sees that semen has issued when he or she wakes up. In such a case, a person becomes junub. If one sees a dream in which one has sexual intercourse but does not notice any semen or wetness when one wakes up, ghusl is not necessary. Some savants state that since a woman’s ovum fluid flows back into the vulva, it is better, as a precaution, for her to make ghusl.

5- If the semen that leaves its place lustfully remains in the urethra and comes out later, even without lust, it will be necessary to make ghusl. If it issues after one has urinated or after one has slept for a while, a ghusl is not necessary.

6- Masturbation necessitates a ghusl.

7- If one who has become junub makes a ghusl without urinating, and if later on the rest of the semen issues without lust, one has to make another ghusl. For this reason, it is necessary to urinate and thereby wash out the semen that has remained in the urethra and afterwards make a ghusl.

8- When the tip of the penis goes into a woman’s or man’s anus, a ghusl is fard for both persons, regardless of whether semen is discharged or not. It is harâm, a grave sin, to have anal intercourse with one’s wife both during and after haid. Pederasty is even more sinful. A person who inserts his penis into an animal has to perform a ghusl. This act is utterly abominable and a grave sin.

9- A person who sees some semen without remembering a nocturnal emission has to perform a ghusl. One who notices semen on one’s underwear must make a ghusl, even if one does not remember having a nocturnal emission. If one thinks it may be mazy [a few drops of white fluid liquid that comes out when one is aroused], as a precaution, one performs a ghusl.

10- While a woman is thinking about her husband, if her yellowish liquid comes out after trembling lustfully, a ghusl will be necessary.

Cases that do not necessitate ghusl
What are the cases that do not necessitate the performance of ghusl?
In fact, some cases that are commonly believed to necessitate a ghusl do not necessitate it.
These cases are:

If a man sees a woman or a man naked, a ghusl is not necessary. However, when looking at, if he is aroused and discharges semen, then a ghusl is necessary. But if mazy is discharged, a ghusl is not necessary.

2- If a woman sees her husband or any woman naked, a ghusl is not necessary.

If mazy, not semen, issues forth when a wife and a husband are flirting with each other, looking at naked photos, or daydreaming, a ghusl is not necessary.

Sticky prostate liquid and wadî [turbid white thick liquid that issues after urination] do not necessitate a ghusl.

5- If semen issues forth by such means as lifting something heavy or falling down from a place, a ghusl is not necessary in the three madhhabs. It necessitates a ghusl in Shâfi’î.

If one remembers having a nocturnal emission, but when waking up, if one does not notice any semen on one’s underwear, it is not necessary to make a ghusl. If one who has a nocturnal emission notices some wetness on one’s bed, on one’s underwear, or on one’s legs and finds out that it is the white fluid liquid called mazy, or if mazy issues from a person while awake, a ghusl is not necessary.

7- After a woman makes a ghusl, if some of her husband’s semen comes out, a ghusl is not necessary.

8- If a woman or a man shaves the groin, it is not necessary to make a ghusl.

9- If a man smells the fragrant scent of a woman, neither the fragranted woman nor the smelling man has to perform a ghusl. It does not break the ablution, either. However, it is not permissible for women to put on fragrant scents for people other than their husbands.

Question: What do the terms semen, wadî, mazy, and prostate liquid mean? Do they necessitate a ghusl?
is a sticky liquid that comes out with lust and excitement following sexual intercourse or masturbation. The semen of a man is termed sperm. Ovum fluid issuing from a woman is yellowish in color.

Wadî is a sticky turbid white thick liquid that issues after urination.

Mazî oozes in the time of lust. It is a few drops of white stretchy liquid that comes out when one is aroused, when looking at naked photos, kissing each other or rubbing lustfully, or when thinking about such things.

Prostate liquid
is thick, sticky and generally issues after urination.

None of them, except semen coming out lustfully, necessitate a ghusl. Ovum fluid of a woman does not come out easily when compared with a man’s semen. If semen does not issue, and if mazy which is fluid liquid issues, a ghusl is not necessary. The release of semen is accompanied by spasms and tremble. Taking this into account, one can distinguish semen from mazy.

If semen does not come out
I have undergone a prostate operation. Since my seminal vesicles are removed, my sperm fluid is not stored in testicles. During intercourse, I do not ejaculate semen. I experience nocturnal emissions, but there is not any release of semen. Sometimes, without any reason, I notice some thick liquid in my urine, and I wonder if it is semen or not. In such cases, do I become junub? Is it necessary for me to make a ghusl?
After sexual intercourse, even if you do not ejaculate semen, it is necessary to perform a ghusl. When you have a nocturnal emission in your dream, if there is not any issuance of liquid, ghusl is not necessary. In order for the ghusl to become necessary, it is a condition that it should be thrown out lustfully. If semen is discharged without lust for any reason whatsoever, it is not necessary to perform a ghusl in the Hanafî Madhhab. The liquid in your urine may be prostate liquid. It will be better if you have it analyzed. Suppose it is semen, if it comes out without lust, a ghusl is not necessary. However, if it leaves its place lustfully, but later, if it comes out without lust, a ghusl is necessary.

If semen is not seen
After a surgical operation, my semen tube has been canalized to my urinary bladder. It is said that semen flows into the bladder during a nocturnal emission. I do not notice any semen in my urine. Is it necessary to make a ghusl?
If semen is not seen, a ghusl is not necessary.

When examined by a gynaecologist
In uterine diseases, is it necessary for a woman who is examined by a gynaecologist to perform a ghusl? Is it necessary to perform a ghusl after ultrasonograpy? When a woman inserts her finger into her vulva or anus, some people say that it is necessary to perform a ghusl, but others say that it is not necessary. Which one is true?
Neither of them is true. It needs clarifying. If she feels enjoyment when a finger is inserted into her vulva, a ghusl is necessary. If she does not enjoy it, making a ghusl is not necessary. Enjoyment means being aroused lustfully. Transmitting from Radd-ul-mukhtâr, the book Endless Bliss says: “When such things as a child’s penis, an animal’s penis, a dead person’s penis, or anything like a penis, such as a finger or a penis with a condom on it is inserted into the vulva, a ghusl is necessary if she is aroused by it. If she does not enjoy it, making a ghusl is preferred.”

When a junub woman begins menstruating
Is it necessary for a junub woman to make a ghusl if she begins menstruating as well?
It is not a condition. However, since it is makrűh to cut the nails or to have a haircut when a person is junub but not makrűh when a woman is menstruating, it is better for her to make a ghusl.

Child delivery
If male or female gynecologist or midwives assist a woman in childbirth during the month of Ramadân when they have an ablution, is their fast, ghusl or ablution nullified?
The fast, ghusl, and ablution of the female gynecologists and midwives who follow the Hanafî Madhhab are not nullified by assisting in childbirth in Ramadân-i Sharîf. It is not permissible to have a male gynecologist assist in childbirth without darűrat [strong necessity].

It suffices to perform one ghusl
After I had extricated from the state of menstruation, I had sexual intercourse with my husband without performing a ghusl. After a while, I slept. I had a nocturnal emission in my dream, too. That is, before performing a ghusl, I became junub twice. Now should I perform the ghusl as many as the times I became junub?
No. One ghusl suffices for all no matter how many times you become junub. You must make a ghusl immediately before a namâz time is over. Before performing the namâz, if its time is over, leaving it to qadâ is a grave sin as well.

Until the brick under one’s feet dissolves
When a person commits pederasty or when a person commits fornication with a Gypsy person, is it necessary to wash oneself until the brick under one’s feet dissolves?
No, it is not. It is baseless. Even though pederasty and fornication are grave sins, a person who makes ghusl once becomes pure. [Pederasty is a sexual relationship between two men; fornication is a sexual relationship between a man and a woman who have no nikâh (marriage contract made in accordance with Islam).]

When a person becomes a Muslim
When a disbeliever becomes a Muslim, is it necessary to perform a ghusl?
If one has washed oneself after becoming junub, it is mustahab [an act for which there is thawâb (blessing) and if omitted there is no sin] for one to make a ghusl for becoming a Muslim. If a disbeliever who is junub has a shower to wash the dirt, that person also gets out of the state of janâbat. For niyyat [intention] in ghusl is not fard in the Hanafî Madhhab. One is considered to have made a ghusl when one has a shower. However, if that person has not taken a shower after becoming junub, then it is fard to perform a ghusl when becoming a Muslim. (Ethics of Islam)
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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