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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding  >  Q&A Regarding Postnatal Bleeding

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Q&A Regarding Postnatal Bleeding

Question 1: Blood is discharged from the vagina of a pregnant woman immediately before delivery. Is this blood considered to be the blood of postnatal bleeding (nifas) or to be the blood of istihada (bleeding other than menstrual and postnatal bleeding)?
The blood that is discharged before delivery or before the emergence of the torso of the baby is considered to be the blood of istihada. A woman in this state is required to offer her salat immediately as an excused person if the time for it is about to expire.

Question 2: I am currently offering fasts of kaffarah (expiation), but I will have a baby before I fast full 60 days. If I miss 3 or 5 fasts, can I observe them after my postnatal bleeding (nifas) stops?
If kaffarah is interrupted by the intervention of menstrual or postnatal bleeding (haid or nifas), the woman concerned should fast the missed days after the bleeding ceases.

Question 3:
I bled for 25 days after I gave birth to my first baby, but I bled for 45 days after the delivery of my second baby. Did the duration of my nifas (postnatal bleeding) change?
Your norm of postnatal bleeding was 25 days. Because the bleeding exceeded 40 days after the delivery of your second baby, 20 days that come after the first 25 days are considered istihada. You have to make up the salats that you missed during these 20 days.

Question 4:
I bled for 30 days after the delivery of my first child. However, after I gave birth to my second child, I bled for 35 days, and then I did not see any blood. Is the blood that I had after 30 days considered to be the blood of nifas or to be the blood of istihada?
All 35 days are considered nifas (postnatal bleeding), and your norm of postnatal bleeding has extended to 35 days from 30 days.

Question 5: I had bleeding for 23 days after the birth of my first child. Similarly, I bled for 23 days following the birth my second child, and then the bleeding stopped. It restarted on the 29th day and ceased on the evening of 39th day. Is the blood that I had during the last 10 days considered to be the blood of istihada?
It is considered nifas (postnatal bleeding), and your norm of nifas has changed to 39 days.

Question 6: I had bleeding for 40 days after my first delivery. Then I remained pure for 10 days and saw blood for 10 days and remained pure for 20 days. How should I act?
You should have remained pure for a minimum of 15 days after 40 days of bleeding. Therefore, the first 5 of 10 days of bleeding are considered istihada, and the next 5 days are considered menstrual.

Question 7: I experienced postnatal bleeding for 30 days after my first delivery. As for my second delivery, I bled for 30 days and remained pure for 5 days and bled for 7 days. Is the blood that I saw during the 7 days considered to be the blood of postnatal bleeding, too?
As the bleeding went over 40 days, the bleeding you saw after 30 days is considered istihada.

Question 8:
I bled for 30 days after my first and second deliveries. However, after I gave birth to my third baby, blood flowed for 20 days and then stopped. Today is the 28th day, and I do not have any bleeding. Is it halal for me to engage in sexual intercourse?
Sexual intercourse is not halal for you before 30 days, which was the duration of your previous nifas, have passed.

Question 9: I just gave birth to my second baby. Blood stopped after flowing for 20 days. Now I am on the 30th day, and I am still pure. I have forgotten how many days I experienced postnatal bleeding after my first delivery. Do I have to perform salat after day 20?
You should know the number of days during which you experienced bleeding after your first delivery. As you have forgotten it, you have to take a ghusl when blood stops flowing and resume salat. However, you are not allowed to engage in sexual intercourse before 40 days are over. If the number of your previous nifas were 21 days, you would take a ghusl after the cessation of bleeding and resume salat. You would engage in sexual intercourse as of 22nd day.

Question 10: When I gave birth to my first baby, the bleeding stopped after I had bled for 10 days, so I took a ghusl (purificatory bath) and fasted. However, it restarted after 20 days passed. The purity period between two bleedings was more than 15 days. Are the fasts that I observed considered valid?
Before a woman completes 40 days, if days of nifas (postnatal bleeding) are interspersed by a period of purity that lasts for more than 15 days, it is counted as nifas, too. Therefore, you have to make up those fasts that you observed during this period.

Question 11: My norm of postnatal bleeding was 20 days. However, after my second delivery, I bled for 10 days and did not see blood for 20 days and bled for 13 days. Did my norm of postnatal bleeding change?
The duration of your postnatal bleeding for the second delivery is considered 20 days because the bleeding exceeded 40 days. Therefore, the 13 days of bleeding are considered istihada.

Question 12: My norm of postnatal bleeding was 23 days. After my second delivery, I bled for 2 days and did not see blood for 30 days and bled for 3 days and did not see blood for 7 days and bled for 1 day. Did my norm of postnatal bleeding change?
The first 23 days are considered to be the days of postnatal bleeding. The remaining days of bleeding are regarded as istihada.

Question 13:
Supposing a woman bled for 20 days after her first delivery. If she, after her second delivery, bleeds for 1 day and does not see blood for 34 days and bleeds for 1 day and does not see blood for 15 days and bleeds for 1 day, is the duration of her norm of nifas considered to have changed?
Her norm of nifas (postnatal bleeding) is considered to have changed because 15 days of valid purity period passed after the last bleeding coming before 40 days were over. It has lengthened to 36 days from 20 days. (Manhal-ul-waridin)

Question 14:
If a lady sees blood for 30 days and remains pure for 15 days and bleeds for 3 days, what is the number of her nifas?
Her nifas is considered to be 30 days. The remaining 3 days of bleeding are considered to be menstrual bleeding. (Manhal)
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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