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Performing ablution before ghusl

Question: I cannot understand the logic in the rule to perform an ablution first while making ghusl. A friend of mine says that it is unnecessary for a junub person to perform an ablution. When a person is junub, is it not useless to perform an ablution first while making a ghusl?
The religion cannot be based on the mind by disregarding conveyed religious knowledge. Are the people who say that you should perform an ablution first before the ghusl without reasoning? Our Master the Prophet (‘alaihissalâm) prescribed the manner of performing the ghusl, and he stated, “First, perform an ablution! And then it is necessary to pour water on every part of the body.” We have to carry out the commandment in the same way as it was ordered, even if we fail to understand its hidden cause and even if it may seem unreasonable to us. Moreover, if one cannot make a ghusl immediately, it is more appropriate for one to perform an ablution and to be with it. If one cannot perform an ablution, it is better for one to wash one’s hands, mouth, and nose until one makes a ghusl.

Our blessed Mother, Hadrat Âisha (radiy-Allahu ‘anhâ), was asked such a question:
“When our Master, the Prophet wanted to sleep as he was junub, would he sleep after making a ghusl or without making it?”

Our blessed Mother gave the following reply:
“He would usually sleep after performing a ghusl, and sometimes, he would sleep after performing only an ablution.”

The person who asked this question said, “May praise and gratitude be to Allahu ta’âlâ who does not make it difficult for us.” (Muslim, Tirmudhî, Nasâî, Abű Dâwud)

She further relates:
(When the Messenger of Allah was junub, he would perform an ablution before he ate meal or before he slept.) [Bukhârî, Muslim, Tirmudhî, Nasâî]

It is purported in a hadîth-i sharîf:
(Angels of Compassion do not approach three persons: [they do not approach] a disbeliever, a man who puts on an effeminate fragrant scent, and a junub person who does not perform an ablution when he wants to eat something or when he wants to sleep.) [Tabarânî]

As it is understood, Angels of Compassion do not approach junub people, but they approach them if they perform an ablution. Furthermore, we will have acted compatibly with the sunnat. If we drink water without washing our mouth when we are junub, we will have drunk musta’mal [water that has been used for a ghusl or an ablution] water, which is makrűh. But if we wash our mouth, then it is not makrűh.
Date de mis à jour
6 Ekim 2024 Pazar
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